ZNANOST > Znanstveni projekti

Vizualno potpomognuta analiza informacija u konstruiranju (VisionAir)


The aim of proposed research is to augment user’s cognitive processes of understanding the information evolution through appropriate interactive computer based visualisation and analysis. It is an extension of our previous work within TRENIN project, thus broadening the scope beyond engineering information traceability. Providing appropriate layout and network properties determination algorithms together with appropriate computational resources should enable designers to more easily uncover, understand and maintain the relevant information content and context. Large scale information network analysis procedures which have to be performed in realtime during complex systems design projects most likely require advanced algorithms backed up with appropriate CPU or GPU execution parallelization. Additionally, the acceptable visualisation performance limit by which these real‐time calculations and layouts could be performed in respect to utilized computational resources should be taken into account as well. Extending the current visualisation algorithms with one more representation plane to 3D, will enhance capabilities for pattern recognition among entities composing the semantic network of traceability records, thus extending further the possibilities for more efficient layout generation. The biggest problem with the current solution is that due to the number of entities and their relations, even in 2D is hard to provide a comprehensible layout which would not result in a multitude of relations' and labels' crossings and overlaps which occur in visualisation plane. The usage of 3D to provide perspective to visual representation of network’s structure alongside the appliance of computer graphics effects such as image/object transparency to traceability entities altogether emphasizes further structural and dynamic contexts.

Suradnici na projektu

Vanjski suradnici

Broj projekta:


Glavni istraživač:

Tino Stanković


2012. - 2013.



Izvor financiranja:

VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research Programme (FP7)