Awards and Recognitions
CHAIR > Awards and Recognitions
DESIGN 2022 Reviewers' Favourite Recognition
Members of the Chair acknowledged for scientific papers published at the DESIGN 2022 conference held online.

Nikola Horvat, mag. ing. mech., Marko Brnčić, dr. sc. Marija Majda Perišić, dr. sc. Tomislav Martinec, Nenad Bojčetić and doc. dr. sc. Stanko Škec received DESIGN 2022 Reviewers' Favourite recognition for the paper "Design reviews in immersive and non-immersive collaborative virtual environments: Comparing verbal communication structures".
DESIGN 2022 Reviewers' Favourite Recognition
Members of the Chair acknowledged for scientific papers published at the DESIGN 2022 conference held online.

Fanika Lukačević, mag. ing. mech., Shumin Li, mag. ing. mech., doc. dr. sc. Niccolo Becattini and doc. dr. sc. Stanko Škec received DESIGN 2022 Reviewers' Favourite recognition for the paper "Comparing EEG bran power of mechanical engineers in 3D CAD modelling from 2D and 3D representations".
ICED21 Outstanding Video Presentation Award
Members of the Chair acknowledged for the presentation of the scientific paper published at the ICED21 conference held in Gothenburg, Sweden. Tomislav Martinec, doc. dr. sc. Stanko Škec, Fanika Lukačević, mag. ing. mech. and prof. dr. sc. Mario Štorga received ICED21 Outstanding Video Presentation Award for the presentation of the paper "Modelling Proportions and Sequences of Operations in Team Design Activities".
Video of the presentation can be found here.
ICED21 Reviewers' Favorite Recognition
Members of the Chair acknowledged for scientific papers published at the ICED21 conference held in Gothenburg, Sweden. Tomislav Martinec, doc. dr. sc. Stanko Škec, Fanika Lukačević, mag. ing. mech. and prof. dr. sc. Mario Štorga received ICED21 Reviewers' Favorite recognition for the paper "Modelling Proportions and Sequences of Operations in Team Design Activities".
Fellow of the Design Society Award, 2019
Professor Emeritus Dorian Marjanović awarded with the title Fellow of the Design Society.

The Design Society awarded Professor Emeritus Dorian Marjanović in 2019. with the title Fellow of the Design Society to recognise his outstanding contributions to the Design Society through service, practice, teaching, and research.
ICED19 Reviewers' Favorite Recognition
Members of the Chair acknowledged for scientific papers published on ICED19 conference held in Delft, The Netherlands.

Filip Valjak, mag. ing. mech. and Prof. Nenad Bojčetić received ICED19 Design Society Reviewers' Favourite recognition for the Conception of Design Principles for Additive Manufacturing paper.
ICED19 Reviewers' Favorite Recognition
Members of the Chair acknowledged for scientific papers published on ICED19 conference held in Delft, The Netherlands.

Nikola Horvat, mag. ing. mech., Assistsnt Prof. Stanko Škec, Dr. Tomislav Martinec, Fanika Lukačević and Marija Majda Perišić, mag. math. received ICED19 Design Society Reviewers' Favourite recognition for the Comparing Virtual Reality and Desktop Interface for Reviewing 3D CAD Models paper.
ICAD 2018 Best Paper Award
Student and Chair members received the award for the best paper at the ICAD 2018 conference held in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Student Josipa Delaš, Asistant Profesor Stanko Škec, and Professor Mario Štorga received the Award for the best paper presented at the International Conference on Axiomatic Design ICAD 2018 held in Reykjavik, Iceland for an article entitled "Application of Axiomatic Design Principles for Concept Evaluation".
Best Poster Award SSEDR 2016
Tomislav Martinec, mag. ing. mech. received the Best Poster Award at SSEDR 2016.

As part of the participation in the International Summer School on Engineering Design Research (SSEDR 2016), held in Croatia and Denmark, our PhD student Tomislav Martinec received the Best Poster Award for presentation of his research.
DESIGN 2016 Outstanding Contibution Recognition
Dr. Stanko Škec and co-authors were acknowledged for scientific paper published on DESIGN 2016 conference held in Cavtat, Croatia.

Dr. Stanko Škec and co-authors Dr. Chris Snider, Dr. James Gopsill and Prof. Ben Hicks (all University of Bristol, UK) has been acknowledged with the DESIGN 2016 Outstanding Contribution for the paper entitled "Determininig Work Focus, Common Language and, Issues in Engineering Projects Through Topic Perspective".
JoED Best Paper Award 2015
Prof. Phil Cash (TU Denmark) and Prof. Mario Štorga received the award for the best paper published in the scientific journal JoED in 2015.

Prof. Phil Cash (TU Denmark) and Prof. Mario Štorga received the Award for the best paper published in 2015 in the Journal of Engineering Design (Q1, Taylor & Francis) for an article entitled "Multifaceted Assessment of Ideation: Using Networks to link Ideation & Design Activity".
ICED15 Reviewers' Favourite Recognition
Members of the Chair acknowledged for scientific paper published on ICED15 conference held in Milano, Italy.

Prof. Neven Pavkovic, Tomislav Martinec, mag. ing., Dr. Danijel Rohde and Bruno Šikić, received recognition ICED15 Reviewers' Favourite for the paper entitled "Management and Visualisation of Relationships Between Objects Engineering".
ICED13 Reviewers' Favourite Recognition
Members of the Chair acknowledged for scientific paper published on ICED13 conference held in Seoul, South Korea.

Prof. Mario Štorga, Dr. Tino Stankovic, Prof. Neven Pavkovic and Prof. Nenad Bojčetić has been acknowledged with ICED13 Reviewers' Favourite for the paper entitled "Application Framework for traceability of Engineering Information".
The Best E-Course at University of Zagreb Award 2012/13
Prof. Mario Štorga and Dr. Stanko Škec received the award for the best e-course at the University of Zagreb in academic year 2012/13.

In the competition for the best e-course at the University of Zagreb in academic year 2012/2013 only one course was awarded the 2nd prize for the best e-course. It is the course Engineering Design - Methods and Tools that was prepared by Prof. Mario Štorga and Dr. Stanko Škec. The award was presented at the 5th University of Zagreb E-learning Day.
The Hills Millennium Award 2012
Prof. Dorian Marjanović awarded with The Hills Millennium Award for year 2012.
The Institution of Engineering Designers UK awarded Prof. Dorian Marjanovic with The Hills Millennium Award for a significant contribution to the design and product development.
State Award for Scientific Research in 1993
Prof. Aurel Kostelic won a national award for scientific research in 1993.
Odlukom Odbora za dodjelu nagrada za znanstvenoistraživački rad kojeg je imenovao Zastupnički dom Sabora Republike Hrvatske, prof. dr. sc. Aurel Kostelić dobio je nagradu "Nikola Tesla" za značajnu znanstvenu djelatnost u području tehničkih znanosti, posebno strojarstva.