CHAIR > About
History of the Chair
The beginnings of the research and application of theoretical and practical approaches to methodical design, product development and application of computers in technical systems' life cycle at the FSB 70ties of the XXth century.

The main activities in this area are related to the involvement a long-time head of the Department of Machine Elements Prof. Eugen Oberšmit ✝ (1970-83), and the head of the Chair of the Machine Elements and Design Prof. Aurel Kostelić ✝ (1983-96).
Laboratory for Engineering Design - CADLab, was established in 1986 introducing research and application of 3D CAD systems and design methods in education.
Today's Chair of Design and Product Development was established in 1997 as the part of then newly constituted Department of Design. Head of the Chair since its establishment until 2016 was Professor Emeritus Dorian Marjanović. Since 2016 until 2019, the Head of the Chair was Prof. Mario Štorga. Since 2019 to 2020, the Head of the Chair was Prof. Neven Pavković. Since October 2020, the Head of the Chair is Prof. Mario Štorga.
The primary objective of the Chair is developing creative and innovative potential of students of mechanical engineering, naval architecture, and aerospace engineering through a series of courses comprehending methodical design, development of innovative products and services and CA tools to support the development process.
During the undergraduate study, the students are acquainted with the most advanced methodology, tools and practical and theoretical knowledge used in the development of the modern technical systems. At the graduate level of the study, the number of specialised courses is offered with emphasis to the integration and application of the acquired knowledge through project assignments, and diploma work topics are regularly real problems from the industry.
The scientific work of the Chair and collaboration with industry through a number of international R&D projects is focused on advanced models, methods and tools for management of engineering knowledge and innovation in the sustainable development of technical systems, as well as on creative aspects of the teamwork in design.