
CHAIR > CADLab > Activities

IT initiatives

In addition to the teaching and research activities, CADLab has coordinated several IT initiatives at the Faculty level.

Activities that CADLab performs for all employees and students of the FSB are:

Microsoft Imagine

Microsoft Imagine (used to be called MSDNAA) is intended for technical higher education institutions which are among others engaged in the development in the field of computer, engineering and information systems. FSB through this initiative gets access to the Microsoft software including server solutions and development tools. This software can be installed on any number of computers within the institution. The software must be used for educational and research purposes.

OAI (Oracle Academic Initiative)

Through OAI initiative, Oracle is working with a number of higher education institutions worldwide. As a member of this initiative, the FSB gets: a license for all of Oracle's products, including 24/7 support and upgrades, access to instructor training for higher education institutions and their employees, access to a wide range of Oracle online professional courses that can be rearranged to include the specific needs of courses within each institution, technical support for courses that include part of Oracle's teaching materials, and a free subscription to the Oracle network for educational institutions and students.