Courses Plan
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Curriculum Plan
Chair's courses integrate two interrelated fields: courses with the focus on the development methods, and courses focused to the computer support the development process.
The content of the courses within the FSB curriculum and their relationships result from the analysis of contemporary trends in teaching product development and engineering design at the best worldwide universities, as a result of cooperation that teachers of the Chair have with colleagues at these universities.
Courses at the undergraduate level are carried out at studies of mechanical engineering, naval architecture, and aerospace engineering, while courses at graduation levels are performed only at the study of mechanical engineering.
In addition to undergraduate and graduate level depicted on the figure above, the Chair is responsible for several courses at the doctoral level. The focus of these courses is on the modelling of complex socio-technical systems, design theories and advanced methods and models for information management in the development of technical systems.
More info about all active courses is available here. All courses currently being offered were updated with the introduction of the new curriculum in the academic year 2022/23.
Until the academic year 2003/04, and the introduction of the curriculum which is aligned with the Bologna Process, the Chair was responsible also for the following courses: Introduction to Computers, Computer Applications, Fundamentals of Design, Design Science, Optimization Methods, Management of CAD / CAM System, Modeling of Technical Systems, Theory of Design Process and Theory of Products.