Teleconferencing Room
CHAIR > CADLab > Teleconferencing Room
Purpose of the Teleconferencing Room (TCR)
TCR was founded in 2005 with the purpose of maintaining technical and infrastructural support to the international teaching and collaboration remotely via modern video conferencing systems.
TCR room is mostly used for EGPR course where students from FSB collaborate with students from European universities and industry partners in the execution of the development projects.
In addition to courses, the teleconference room is used for working meetings in the cases when one or more co-workers is dislocated and need to accomplish video connection.
The room has a rich multimedia equipment managed from the back room. Audio equipment includes microphones on the benches for the participants, microphones at the presenters table, wireless microphones and " surround " speaker system. For the video connection pan-tilt -zoom cameras are sued, that are controlled by the director. All systems are integrated via studio mixer which controls the sound, video and Polycom devices used as a connection platform. Audio - video equipment is connected to the computers for recording purposes.
The room is located in the east building of the FSB, on the second floor at room 208.