
Educational Activities
The aim of the teaching activities at the Chair is to provide future graduate engineers of mechanical and aeronautical engineering, naval arch. and mehatronics with the knowledge of core subjects in engineering design as well as of computer applications.
The objective of teaching activities through a range of interrelated courses is to introduce students to the modern methodology, tools and practical and theoretical knowledge to be used in various stages of development of technical systems. The emphasis in the teaching is the CDIO Initiative for the education of the future engineers, which includes the acquisition of knowledge and competencies for the design, construction, implementation and operation of the technical systems through project and team work. Results of the educational process are visible through numerous bachelor and graduation theses mostly realised in collaboration with industry.
As part of the teaching activities, the Chair is involved in the international EGPR course (European Global Product Realisation) together with the Technical University Delft, the City University of London, Institute of Technology in Lausanne, the University of Ljubljana and the Technical University of Budapest. As part of this course, students acquire knowledge and experience in working as part of the international development teams in a virtual operating environment and are involved in solving real problems for industrial partners. EGPR is related to numerous ERASMUS+ projects: NARIP, ELPID, CResDET, PRO HACKIN' . Chair participates in teaching activities outside the home institution within inter-faculty studies of the University of Zagreb at the School of Design of the Faculty of Architecture, Study for Teachers of Physics and Polytechnics at the Faculty of Science, and at the study of Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management.
The Chair actively supports the international exchange of students and teachers through the provision of courses in English, but also through projects focused on an improvement of teaching activities and student and teachers exchanges such as the Linnaeus-Palme program with LTU Sweden, or IMMC with TU Wien.