About Collaboration
INDUSTRY > About Collaboration
Industrial Collaboration
The intensity of the collaboration of the Chair of Design and Product Development with the industry is mostly tied to the state of the economic power of individual companies, as well as the economy as a whole.

The collaboration of the Chair with the industry in addition to Croatian companies includes Slovenian companies. The collaboration was from 2007 to 2011 formalised through the Product Development Centre project.
The industrial projects include:
- consulting/design and introduction of CAx/PDM/PLM systems,
- customization of commercial CAx/PDM/PLM systems to the specific needs of the client,
- development of specific software systems to support design process and data management,
- engineering design and computer aided modelling / analysis of the product,
- knowledge management and innovation in product development,
- product arhitecture and product platforms management,
- design for healtcare.
In addition, the Chair has active collaboration with industrial partners on:
- rapid prototyping,
- counselling and education in the field of improvement of the existing product portfolio and development process.
Results of the collaboration are pubished as numerous professional publications.