EDUCATION > Projects

Električno karting vozilo

Data retrieved from the FSB repository on Dabar, on October 14 2021,


The general idea of this work is to develop a structural solution for the electric go-kart, whose main aspect of development was the use of electric energy for powertrain, a damping suspension that could drive the vehicle on rough terrain and the achievement of satisfactory driver safety. The short introduction shows why this topic of final work follows these days trends and provides opportunities for the development and advancement of students with such an area of interest. Market analysis gave insight into the performance of current electric go-karts in the market. Evaluation of the same defines the guidelines for further development and improvement of the product. During the conceptual phase, all guidelines and requirements for product development were considered and the final modified concept was selected. When detailing the selected concept, the calculation of the main components and systems was carried out and technical documentation was prepared for the constructed product.



Davor Vrbos




Bachelor thesis


Davor Vrbos - Bachelor thesis