EDUCATION > Projects

Forest tractor trailer

Data retrieved from the FSB repository, on February 09 2017,


In this masters paper, a detailed design and calculation for a small forestry trailer can be found. The aforementioned trailer is designed to be pulled by a small alpine tractor that is often used on small personal agricultural farms for private needs. Main use of such a trailer would be the transport of grain and bulk load, depending on the configuration of the trailer. The trailer is designed in such a way that it is possible to install a lifting device with which it would be possible to load and unload the trailer in both trailer configurations. The maximum designed weight puts the trailer in such a category that doesn’t require additional driver licensing and requires minimum costs for vehicle licensing. The trailer is designed with the use of standard steel cross sections available on the market, that are joined and formed into shape by common machinery and procedures. As a part of this paper, a 3D model was constructed in order to generate necessary views and technical drawings



Filip Cesar




Master thesis


Filip Cesar - Master thesis