3DS Sustainability Challenge Invitation

Published on: 09-26-2019, Author: admin

Following the launch of 3DS Academy's student challenges, the first contest has begun! 3DS is proud to present the Sustainability Challenge.

Students care about the planet. They’re constantly coming up with innovative green designs and 3DS Academy wants to showcase their passionate work. That’s why they created the Sustainability Challenge: a competition where students create designs to reduce plastic to make a better world.

There are three different categories:

  1. Streamline: transform a product shape to use less plastic
  2. Remake: use an everyday plastic product and remake it
  3. Link: build or optimize a physical + social network to increase rate of repair, secondary use, and recycling for a product

3DS Academy prepared all sorts of high-tech prizes and one grand winner will head to Monaco Ocean Week 2020 to present their project.

To participate, students need to visit 3DS website and select a category for the competition. They will receive a 3DEXPERIENCE platform license for the challenge along with access to a dedicated dashboard for team collaboration and support.