RESEARCH > Dissertations

A model of cognitive load for computer-aided design performance


The engineering designer's performance in CAD activities determines the quality, cost, and timelines of the contemporary engineering design process. Despite the significant influence of the engineering designer's performance on the process' success, its key elements, their relations, and influencing factors are yet to be defined. The proposed research aims to develop a method for measuring and analysing the cognitive load in CAD activities that should enable the assessment of the engineering designer's performance and identification of factors whose manipulation may improve it. The first step forward is defining the theoretical models of cognitive load and engineering designers' performance in CAD activities, which will ground a basis for developing the method. Implementation of the method for measuring and analysing the cognitive load may inform 1) the planning and management of design activities and 2) the evaluation, selection, and development of CAD systems. 



Fanika Lukačević




PhD thesis


Fanika Lukačević - PhD thesis topic