RESEARCH > External Researchers

Ivan Triplat, mag. ing. mech.

Doctoral/MSc study started:



Born on 14th April 1985 in Zagreb where he attended elementary school and Electrical Engineering High School, branch electromechanical engineering which he finished in 2003. The same year he entered the faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, specialization engineering modeling and computer simulation. During the study he worked part-time thru student service in private company Dominelektro Ltd. on assembly, wiring and testing. He finished undergraduate study in 2008 with the theme Fan blade strength analysis and natural frequency analysis. In 2009 he graduated with theme Analysis of the fan blade fracture. During the third year of college he got Končar’s scholarship and after the study he was employed with Končar-Generators and Motors Inc. In the same year he continued education with post-graduate study, specialization theory of construction. Since his employment in Končar-Generators and Motors he has been working as a designer, ie. on mechanical calculations of generators and motors. He attended ISMA, Cigré and Design conferences, participate in development project, he is associate member of HRO Cigré and member of HDTSM-a.

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