EDUCATION > Projects

Remotely Controlled Device for Nondestructive Testing of Reactor's pressure Vessel Nozzle Welds

Data retrieved from the FSB repository, on January 30 2018,


The topic of this thesis is to present research and development process conducted on topic of development of a machine used for carrying out non-destructive examination of a reactor pressure vessel nozzle welds: tangential weld, nozzle to safe end weld, safe end to pipe weld and nozzle inner radius. In the first part of the paper data gathered during market research phase is presented. Afterwards main goal objective is set alongside with list of technical requirements by conducting a technical survey. The morphological matrix is generated based upon functional decomposition. Two concepts were created by combining partial solutions showed in morphological matrix. The method used to determine which concept is to be developed further is presented followed by carrying out the necessary calculations in order to select suitable power transmission components. Designed device is then presented with fully designed modules in focus. Thesis is concluded with presenting guidelines for future development of the given device.



Matija Kurtoić




Master thesis