EDUCATION > Projects

Samohodna sijačica trave na baterijski pogon

Data retrieved from the FSB repository on Dabar, on May 24 2020,


The theme of this master's thesis is design and construction of self-propelled battery-operated grass seeder. Lawn maintenance methods, existing sowing machines and similar devices that could be found on the market were listed and described. Since one of the main requirements is that device is DC-powered, there is also a list of batteries that could be used to run it. Then, a technical specification was made and further development goals were defined. The functional structure of the product is then made, and the solutions for the individual functions, that appear, are presented in the morphological matrix. Based on this, three concepts have been developed and evaluated, and one of them was selected for further elaboration. The chosen concept was constructed, and its parts were calculated, based on capacity and strength. Standard parts were selected, and the model and related documentation were created in the 3D CAD software package SolidWorks 2018.



Ante Liović




Master thesis


Ante Liović - Master thesis