EDUCATION > Projects

Uređaj za čišćenje snijega na pogon traktorom

Data retrieved from the FSB repository on Dabar, on October 14 2021,


This paper deals with the problem of cleaning and blowing snow using a device (attachment) driven by a tractor. The paper includes the history and patents of snow removal devices, market analysis and existing devices. In addition to the devices themselves, tractors were also analyzed, as well as the method of connecting the working attachments to the tractor and the parameters of the tractor drive. Based on the analysis, a functional decomposition and morphological matrix were made, according to which concepts were developed and evaluated. The most suitable concept has been elaborated in detail, the necessary calculations have been made and a 3D CAD model has been constructed. Based on the model, the technical documentation of the basic assemblies and parts of the device was prepared. The result is a tractor attachment for snow removal.



Tena Horvat




Master thesis


Tena Horvat - Master thesis