This paper deals with the development of device for washing exterior windows and facades of tall buildings. At the beginning, an analysis of the market, scientific research and patents related to existing solutions of this type was made. Based on the knowledge obtained, the desired functions and their potential solutions were determined, with the help of which three concepts were designed. By evaluating the concepts, the best one was chosen, which was further structurally developed. The device consists of two main parts: a window washing device that hangs on a cable that is wound on a load-bearing structure mounted on wheels at the top of the building. The device washes the surface with horizontal and vertical movements and by rotating the brush and spraying the cleaning agent, and it is powered by electricity from the network. The paper presents the concrete structural design along with the listed and described purchase components and the calculation of all critical points of the structure. The models and attached technical documentation were created in the Solidworks software package.
Martin Pavlović
Bachelor thesis