Weeds in perennial plantations cause negative consequences on production and pose an inevitable problem to agriculturists. In this master thesis, a tractor connection for removing weeds in orchards and vineyards and cleaning of the lower part of the vine was conceived and constructed. The introductory part explains the harmfulness of weeds and the use of herbicides and the need for ecological mechanical removal of weeds. The analysis of the existing market shows the methods of execution and different types of machines, and describes similar machines that can be found on the market. After determining the technical specifications of the machine and the goals of further development, the functional structure of the product was generated, and the solutions for individual functions are presented in the morphological matrix. Based on this, three concepts have been developed and evaluated, of which the best one was selected for further elaboration. During the development of the project, sizing and selection of components were carried out, as well as verification of parts for mechanical strength. Finally, a 3D computer model of the developed concept and technical documentation for the production and assembly of components were created.
Tomislav Vulinović
Master thesis