EDUCATION > Projects

Traktorski priključak za trešnju stabla

Data retrieved from the FSB repository on Dabar, on October 14 2021,


This bachelor thesis presents the process of development and design of a tree shaking tractor attachment with its own hydraulic system. The need for such a machine exists in the agricultural holdings with large plantations of berry orchards who want to speed up the harvesting process, reduce its costs and reduce workers' efforts during harvest. Through market analysis, existing solutions of the tractor attachment for tree shaking were found. After making the functional structure of the machine and morphological matrix, three concepts of this machine were made. The concept evaluation selected one concept that will be developed in detail. Selection of standard components, calculation of non-standard parts and calculation of critical locations on machine structure was made for the selected concept. The computer model was made in Solidworks software package and after that technical drawings were made.



Matteo Ivan Nikolić




Bachelor thesis


Matteo Ivan Nikolić - Bachelor thesis