RESEARCH > Scientific Projects

Multidisciplinary strategic partnership providing innovative solutIons to reduce pollutants dispersion in water (MISSION4WATER)


SMEs play a crucial role in economic growth across IPA ADRION regions but often lack engagement in science-business collaborations. The MISSION4WATER project aims to unlock the innovation potential of SMEs by fostering cross-border and cross-sector partnerships within the quadruple helix innovation system. The project focuses on green innovation and clean technologies to reduce water pollutants, leveraging the region's natural waterways.

Through collaboration between diverse actors—SMEs, universities, and research centers—MISSION4WATER seeks to drive innovation in four value chains: polymers, textiles, household appliances, and water treatment. The project will serve as a co-innovation lab, where SMEs can explore emerging technologies and develop solutions to prevent and mitigate pollutants like microplastics.

Key outcomes include the adoption of the MISSION4WATER Co-Innovation Model, the development of 20 innovative solutions, and lasting collaboration agreements between participating organizations. Ultimately, MISSION4WATER aims to create a more sustainable and innovative Adriatic and Ionian Region.

Project associates

Project associate-organisations

External associates

Project number:


Principal researcher:

Mario Štorga


2024 - underway

Funding source: